Wednesday 18 January 2012

How to: Save money on coffee facilities and keep staff happy

With the U.K. economy on a virtual plateau, and the Government spending cuts beginning to take effect in the public sector. Private businesses are undertaking major cost cutting exercises and improving efficiencies in a bid to whether the financial storm.

Facilities and office managers have difficulty striking a balance between providing adequate coffee facilities for staff and customers, on ashrinking budget, whilst keeping an eye on corporate social responsibility and ecological issues.

Many facilities management companies outsource refreshment provision to specialist vending companies to provide the vending machines and maintenance on their behalf. As a result a business may not be receiving the most appropriate facilities for their needs, and the costs may be higher than if dealing with the vending companies direct.
Vending machines have come a long way in the past 50 years. It is now possible to serve a complete range of meals from a virtual restaurant. These machines are the ideal canteen replacement offering a quick, convenient, 24 hour service, without the need for additional catering staff; potentially saving businesses up to 90% of their catering budget without compromising on facilities.

Modern coffee machines are more energy efficient than traditional kettles and water boilers and in most cases serve beverages in under 30 seconds. The best modern coffee machines will serve a range of coffee shop favourite drinks such as Cappuccino, Latte and Espresso; the ingredients of which come from sustainable and even Rainforest Alliance Certified sources.

By using specialist companies to provide bespoke facilities, managers can ensure a hassle-free provision, serving the range of high quality coffee shop style refreshments staff and customers have come to expect.

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